I bought my first Reggae albums back about 1971; Tower Records' local store got in a big stack featuring the Trojan Tighten Up series and I was hooked. Then came the film and album of The Harder They Come... came, saw, and conquered! I'm writing a little reggaessay on a current trend, but it's taking me so long that I thought maybe a reggaellery of older album covers might reggaele any music fans and curious readers for the time being. I've selected 33 1/3 favorites to display (honoring the LP revolutions; the 1/3 is that small one up left), picked both for interesting covers and the music within--an A-Z of Roots music recorded and released between the mid-Seventies and early Eighties (actually, one or two albums were recorded during those years but issued later).
I hope they pique your interest and whet your appetite for more... soon come:

Good wavy gravy, it'll take me eons to graze through all dis treasure, mon!
It's summuhtime, summuhtime, sum-sum-summuhtime... and the grazin' is easy.
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