Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Grin and Bear It

As my life stalls, so do these musings.

I will live to write again, but at present am On Leave. A few fill-ins, best-ofs, and brought-backs will accordingly show up here in the meantime, unfamiliar to most who pass by, pause briefly, and then move on, through empty space, time of no time, aether renewal, cloud of unknowing, or mere nothing at all, to the next non-stop in and
of the Blogisphere. (Blog-a-Sphere?) (Blog-is-Fear?)

But I digress. (That way lies madness.)

Here lies and then rears its ursine head another of the creatures I once created...


  1. I shall miss your occasional freshly minted musings but look forward to selections from seven years (!) of archives, demonstrating how The Territory Behind blazed your ever-creative and unfailingly good-humored trail to The Territory Ahead. Best wishes as always.

  2. Mercy, mon capitan! A mere hop skip & stumble from Jazz.com to this here terrortory's terra incognita. Yes, cognita ergo sum o' time, and the leavin's uneasy...
